Ps3 virtua tennis 4 review
Ps3 virtua tennis 4 review

ps3 virtua tennis 4 review

Boring ball-hitting sounds and a lack of shoe squeaks suggest that very little effort was put into the audio. Virtua Tennis 2009 Review Jonny Vito / With its Virtua Tennis franchise, Sega has always presented us with an accessible tennis experience rather than a deep simulation of the sport. The player grunts are limited and only rarely match the actual grunts some of the pros make. The sound effects are where Sega really slacked off. It seems to jump from trance to elevator music to Japanese-inspired pop. The music, while far from irritating, has no cohesive style. Playscore of Virtua Tennis 2009 on PlayStation 3, based on critic and gamer review scores. Unlike the graphics, which have good and bad points, the music and sound must settle for mediocre and bad respectively. However, with a palette that is far too selective between venues, things tend to look a little sterile. It lacks refinement and makes you feel like you're playing a sophisticated version of Pong, rather. The audience animations, which often cheapen the look of tennis games, are presented fairly well. Virtua Tennis 4 with the PlayStation Move is more than just hitting the ball it’s about the angle of the racquet, the spin and speed of the ball and the power of the shot. Virtua Tennis 4 might be more arcade than simulation, but its control scheme is showing its age.


While good body sweat shows with drenched clothing clinging to the body, the obscenely large, white-yeah, white-beads of sweat on the characters' faces give the appearance that their skin is melting away. Visually, the biggest head-scratcher is the facial sweat. Of course, as with all tennis games, the hair is the critical part to get right, and Sega nailed the bobbing and flowing animations perfectly. Sharapova, in particular (whom they also did a poor job on in Virtua Tennis 3), looks way off. Getting a close look during replays, some faces are accurately rendered, while others don't even look close. The details and textures are definitely a big step up from previous games, but the character models could have been better. The matches are where you'll find some disjointedness. The watercolor introduction cinematics, complete with actual character imaging, do a good job representing the game. The shading is excellent, and there's good use of bold colors. Virtua Tennis 4 is a mixed bag of graphical niceties and odd choices. With a good connection, the matches have a nice pace, but the game is still marred by the simple controls and ease of returning the ball, making strategy, even against a human opponent, almost a moot point. You can join up with friends in the clubhouse for more games, but that's pretty much where the multiplayer feature ends. You're basically confined to ranked exhibition matches, trying to climb up the leaderboard by performing well. Multiplayer has a very limited selection, but it's still enjoyable to find quick matches with strangers.

Ps3 virtua tennis 4 review